Sunday, June 6, 2010

Dear Sleep

I have never missed anything as much as I miss you. Sleep where are you and why do I feel as though I don't know you anymore. Between feedings every two hours and my extreme back pain I think I sleep 3 solid hours a night. Then when I hit my deep REM around 6 a.m., Hudson wakes up. It's official I am a walking zombie. They say you need less sleep as you get older- I say bullshit.
During high school and college I could pull all nighters studying or partying. Now, even before the baby arrived I was going to bed at 10 and waking up for work at 6. That is still a good solid  8 hours. Now as I type this I don't know if I am sleep walking or not.
So sleep, please find me soon, or let Mia start sleeping through the night at 6 days-yea right! I'll find you again someday and when I do I won't take you for granted.


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