Sunday, September 26, 2010

Are we there yet?

I have never wanted to harm myself or harm others until this weekend. Maybe I should back up a little bit...All four of us were invited to Lucy's 4th birthday party in Round Rock this Saturday, so Jorge and I decided to stay in Wimberley and make a weekend out of it. Wimberley's slogan is, " a little piece of heaven" who wouldn't want to stay there? We got on the road at about noon on Friday and got to experience the wrath of Mia's first road trip. You could say that she doesn't like to travel, but that is an understatement. She cried for what seemed like hours. Was she hungry? no. Did she have a dirty diaper? uh uh. How do I know? Because as soon as I took her out of her car seat it was instant silence. She didn't like to sit in that seat for long periods of time. Thank god we were only driving a few hours away.
What did Hudson do when he heard her cry? Well at first he shhhed her and told her not to worry, then he covered his ears and tried to tune her out, then he thought,"well if I can't beat em' join em'." And so he wailed too! So help me (us) god. And this didn't happen just from Houston to Wimberley, but from Wimberley to Austin and Austin to Wimberley and Wimberley to San Marcos and San Marcos to get the point. Most meals were pleasant. I think the most pleasant meal was the one where we had a pitcher of beer followed by a wine tasting followed by a shot of tequila...hmm maybe that's why it was kind of pleasant b/c I was buzzing. I don't recall the other meals being that enjoyable. Let's try to point out some high lights of our trip....chirp chirp chirp chirp

Just kidding! Lucy's party was wonderful and it was great seeing Tasha and Lou for a few hours, we found some amazing deals at the San Marcos Outlet Mall, we took the kids to Wonder World in San Marcos and explored a cave and rode on a train, we ate at Cracker Barrel this morning and it was the best breakfast I have ever eaten in my life!! ( I can't wait for ours to open up next month)
But we are home now and I can't wait to sleep in my bed again. Everyone knows that feeling. Jorge, Hudson and I shared a king size bed this weekend and Hudson is a bed hog. He was all over me, slapping me and putting his feet in my face. Good times.
Mom wanted us to travel out of town for turkey day with them, my response to that- hell to the no! That road trip was enough to last me for a lifetime. Okay so not a lifetime but not anytime soon. And when we do go again we will have to have a T.V and some kind of stimuli for Mia. I didn't think you could get bored at 4 months old but I guess anything is possible.
Time to hit the hay, lets hope I can wake up at 6 in the morning. My bed is going to feel a little too good tonight.


Unknown said...

2 words - Jack Daniels. A double for you and a taste for Mia - just enough to make her sleep is okay parenting. ;)

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