Sunday, September 12, 2010

Happy Birthday to me?

I attended a surprise 30th birthday party for my friend, Matt, yesterday. I have known him for the past 10 years. Lets just say that our parties in the past have been nothing like the one I attended yesterday.
When we met each other I was only 18 years old, so our birthday parties were either at apartments or bars...the one last night was a surprise party thrown by his wife. On the evite she said, "kids are welcome." I think everyone read that and went with it. Upon arriving to the party there were already 2 children there, his nieces, and I brought my two, and by the end of the night there were about 20 children under the age of 6. It became hard to tell if it was an adult party, or a children party. 10 years ago I would have gone straight to the beer or wine, but last night I opted for a bottle water. Is this really what I have become....a grownup? Am I really this 28 year old with 2 small children...and when did this happen?
After attending his party I started thinking back to my birthdays. 25 was awesome. Jorge and I were newly weds and we went to Goose's Acre with my family and a few close friends. There was live music, great food, and adult beverages. 26 I was pregnant with Hudson, 27 I had a 9 month old baby and 28 I was pregnant with Mia...hmm, interesting. Now when it's my birthday my parents are more excited to see my children then to actually celebrate my birthday. I have just decided this will not become the norm. Jorge turns 3o this December and we are taking a trip to Mexico just the 2 of us, a much needed vacation with no children. And then when I turn 30 in a year and a half we will take another trip. We need that alone time, time to reconnect, time to drink whatever we want and not have to worry about getting up with children in the morning, time to lay on the beach and not have to worry about our children running off into the ocean, time to stay up late and not have to worry about having the children in bed by 8. I am more excited about our trip together then I am about Christmas and New Years. It's time for me to get my birthday back! (March 8th, for those of you keeping track)


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