Saturday, July 10, 2010

Skinny Bitch

So, I have been getting on the treadmill ALL month...I know that's only a little over a week but hey it's a start. I have been running for 5 minutes then walking for 5 minutes for a total of 30 minutes. It works up a solid sweat, I burn about 300 calories and feel great afterward.
After my workout yesterday I grab a magazine (OK I think) and there's an article about Gisele Bunchen in it. You know the beautiful skinny Victoria Secret Model that got knocked up by Tom Brady. The caption says, "what baby weight, Gisele shot this bikini ad just 8 weeks after giving birth to Benjamin." Are you freaking kidding me? I have a few theories on this one:
1) Either she was never really pregnant in the first place, it was a pillow stuffed in there for the paparazzi.
2) The caption was a typo and they meant to write 8 months, instead of 8 weeks.
3) She is just a freak of nature and only drinks water and chews sugarless gum. I was disgusted. I ate some damn french fries the other day and gained a pound. Gisele go back to Brazil you're making us all look bad. 


The Traveling Courvilles said...

Maybe she had a surrogate have her baby for her!

Sharon said...

Something is not adding up!

sara said...

You crack me up. I love your blog. It brings entertainment to my life. MIss you

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