Saturday, March 5, 2011

Friends are the family you choose

Last night I celebrated my birthday with my HHS peeps at Chuy's. There were about 13 of us partaking in adult beverages and chilled Patron shots (okay so maybe only 2 of us were taking shots...) this wasn't my best idea...but I had an amazing time! I think people were surprised to see the "drunk" Sharon, some even said I was "hilarious,"I can't remember parts of the night, but I am sure the evidence (pictures) will bring a lot of it back to me...I must admit my tolerance isn't what it use to be and my mouth gets a little dirtier when I am liquored up (sorry). Friends thought they were doing Jorge a favor by not letting my glass get empty, little do they know I passed out at 8:00 and Jorge stayed up watching T.V...I have 2 small kids and I would rather sleep then ---well you know what goes here. Women (with small children) who don't agree with me are lying.
So we arrived at Chuy's at 3:08, you can tell we are ready to start the weekend and left at 7, 7:30...that's one of the details that is still fuzzy. I told them how much I loved them and was so glad that I worked with them (you know alcohol is a truth serum).
I didn't know people loved going to work until I worked at HHS. I love going to work every day and the faculty is a huge part of that. The ones who were there last night mean more to me than they know. I enjoy their company, conversation, advice and presence. Friends are the family you choose, and I would do anything for those family members.
Some people get depressed about getting older, but I love birthdays!! Granted I am only going to be 29 (I'm still a spring chicken!). But I have accomplished a lot in 29 years and I have a lot to be thankful for. Do I have more wrinkles? Yes. Is my metabolism what it was 10 years ago? No. But I have been blessed in many ways, especially with my friends.
So, thanks everyone for taking time out of your busy lives/schedules and celebrating my special day with me. I know we all have significant others, kids, and responsibilities, but everyone came and had a drink even if it was just for a little bit. I appreciate it, and I love you all!!!


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